Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Rape Culture Myth

What feminist don't want you to know

Rape Culture
The subject of rape is one that is difficult to discuss because of the lack of information about male victims and female perpetrators.  On the surface, it appears there are no male victims or female perpetrators.  You have to dig for information.  It's not enough to just look at statistics from the FBI without understanding what the numbers represent.   I've touched on this subject in a previous post but I will expand on it here.  [1]


One of feminist's favorite theories is "rape culture".  This is the concept that the rape of women (and only women) is allowed and sometimes encouraged/ignored by society.  They publicly demonstrate against it with "slut walks" [2] as well as claims of poor or unsourced statistics.  The "slut walks" are often the result of someone making a comment about how women should dress more moderately.  These comments are often due to religious beliefs but I see no reason cherry pick one stupid religious comment out of many.  What they call "victim blaming" is nothing more than a complaint against religious dogma.

The basic idea shared by the religious and feminist is that only men will rape with little provocation.   The solution to this imaginary problem is where they disagree.    The religious suggest women wear moderate clothing to show less skin because men wouldn't be able to control their urges.  Muslims take it a step farther and often require women wear clothing that covers everything.   Although a burka is extreme, it is still intended to protect women from men.  Many Muslim countries have female only parking close to the building and Saudi Arabia has proposed constructing a woman only city.   All in the name of protecting helpless females from the evils of men who can't control themselves.

Feminist claim these concepts are blaming the woman for the crime, but this is a misrepresentation of the religious position.   Ultimately, both are wrong because attackers look for people who appear vulnerable.  Their "Teach men not to rape" posters should be offensive to anyone with the slightest sense of morality.  This notion is just as absurd as "teach women not to throw babies in dumpsters" or "teach Jews not to cheat".  Should we believe that men (and only men) have an innate desire to rape that must be resisted on a constant basis?  How many women have your brothers and fathers nearly raped today? When they see a beautiful woman do they think of raping her?  I would suspect rape has never entered their minds.  Everyone should be outraged at these feminist for suggesting that men need to be taught not to rape.

Rape is one of the worst crimes. The woman is nearly always believed and the allegation alone can destroy a life even when it's false. Being accused of rape is often enough for vigilante justice and rapist are despised in prison.  49 states (Arizona is the only state that doesn't) even have "rape shield" laws that prevent the accuser's past from being considered as evidence, among other things, even when it's a past littered with false allegations.  An accuser can even report anonymously therefor not be known to the accused and prosecution.  How can you make a legal defense against that?

Look at cases where males are the rape victim if you want to see cases where a victim was blamed for the crime committed against them.  Males who are raped by females are often said to have "wanted it" or "lucky".  In many cases of statutory rape, male victims are often forced to pay child support which has been supported by case law. [3,49]  This has happened in several states including California, Kansas, Ohio, Texas, Kentucky, and Colorado.   Statutory rape is where two people have consented to sex, but one is under the age of legal consent.  The age of consent varies depending on the jurisdiction and is usually referred to as statutory rape.  If one of the participants is unable to give legal consent then the sex is considered a crime by law.  This type of rape is vastly different from someone forcing another to sex against their will.

The age of consent is a common place to find double standards.  Feminist hold up a single case where a female victim (statutory rape) sued to stop a visitation court case. [4]   There's even a meme on social media about it stating "31 states allow a rapist to sue for visitation".   The meme is completely false in the 31 states don't specifically forbid it, but this isn't the same as allowing it.  I'm certain no judge would award custody to a convicted (or even accused) male rapist.  In most places, registered sex offenders aren't allowed near children.  The information feminist left out of the referenced case is the male was ordered to pay child support and sued for visitation so the child support would be dropped.  What is unique about the case is the male was order to pay child support, not restitution for his crime.   Otherwise, there has not been a single case that I could find where a male rapist was awarded visitation.   However, I have already referenced a case above where a female rapist was awarded full custody and child support from her victim.

The only difference between a female and male victim is the courts decided a male consents to sex even though he wasn't legally able too. [3]  Why isn't someone talking about the double standard?  This hypocrisy even applies when an older female rapes (statutory) a younger female.  [5]   Image the headlines if it had been an 18 year old male instead of a pretty lesbian?  Would he have gotten community service?

The FBI's Role

The FBI definition of rape excluded all male victims until 2012. [6]   Obviously, rape has always been a crime regardless of gender.  The importance here is an exclusion in the definition affects how statistics are collected.  The statistics are used to influence public policy and law.  It was updated to include male victims but the new definition requires that a person be penetrated by genital, object, or oral.  This excludes cases where a women raped the man by forcing him to penetrate her.    For example, when a female teacher is convicted of rape of students or when the male was drugged.   Prior to 2012, male victims were recorded as aggravated assault which would exaggerate assaults but deflate rape statistics. [7]  The new definition is an improvement but it will still skew the statistics by excluding a large number of crimes.  I suspect in the future someone will claim that rapes have recently dramatically increased as a result of the change in definition.

The new definition also includes a vague notion where a woman was under the influence of alcohol.    No one is saying that a woman can't be raped while drunk, but it allows women to claim being raped simply because they were drunk.   In feminist dogma, a drunk woman having sex is a victim and a drunk man is a rapist.   A "coyote ugly" moment is not rape simply because a person regrets their choices on the previous night.     This would be like saying women can't be guilty of DUI because she wasn't able to make the choice to drive.   The new definition allows the statistics to under represent male victims and over represent female ones.


The definition of rape is getting vague on the college level.    Under the Obama Administration's Russlyn Ali, head of the U.S. Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights, issued a letter on April 4, 2011 to universities under Title IX to force them to consider sexual assault on "preponderance of the evidence".  [8]   Sexual assault is a crime that includes other behaviors besides rape.   Grabbing someone's butt without consent is sexual assault.

This new requirement is enforced by putting federal money on the line if the university refuses to implement the standard.  An accused male in college will be considered guilty on the mere basis of being accused.   While this doesn't translate directly into a criminal conviction, it will end his education and brand him a rapist for life.  These men are being accused of one of the worst crimes without being able to defend themselves.  The letter was voluntary and not all colleges adopted the new rules so congress passed an amendment in the SaVE act to force all universities to enact this new standard of evidence. [9]    This has resulted in colleges expelling male students at record rates for fear of a title IX lawsuit.   Some colleges like Occidental College have been abusing civil rights for some time.  In 2009, they created an anonymous rape reporting system on their website.   The target is called into office and accused of rape.   The identity of the alleged victim is not known to the accused or the persecutor.  Under the new standard of evidence, the accused is guilty.

Look at the case in January 2010 at the University of North Dakota for student Caleb Warner.   He was accused of sexual assault and found guilty by the university.   He was suspended and banned from the school grounds for three years.    The police investigated and refused to charge Caleb, but they charged his accuser with filing a false report.    She fled the area when a warrant was issued for her arrest.    He made several attempts to get the university to reconsider which were all denied.  It was only after a year and a half and the intervention of that his case was reopened.


This feminist idea of rape is now implemented in the US military thanks to the Obama administration.   Now, a man's military career will be ended by no more than the accusation by a woman.   He has no right to defend himself and no due process.    This judgement bypasses the judge and can't be appealed. [10]  This action was taken as a response of a deeply flawed survey. [11]  The survey was a self-selected survey based on self reporting.  This means the data wasn't taken from random participants and there's no way to verify the allegations.  The vague wording of the survey further compromises the data because it asked about "unwanted sexual contact" which doesn't directly translate into the serious crimes of rape or sexual assault.  The data is completely unreliable and the Pentagon used it to extrapolate the sexual assault across all branches.  The survey also reported that nearly everyone (90%) understands the criminal code and how to report offenses. The reporting methods also include anonymous reporting options.  With that in mind, there was only about 3,000 incidents reported in the same time period as the survey.

These ideas discriminate against men and are dangerous.  They are being made into policy and law while no one seems to bat an eye even though these stories were published in the media.

Crime Statistics

What are the actual crime statistics?     According to the FBI's UCR, the rate of rape crimes in 2012 was .27 per 100,000.  Keep in mind, this number only includes female victims because of the definition of rape used by the FBI.  [12]   If you calculate the rate it is roughly 1 in 1,256 women were victims of rape in 2012. [13]  This number is high because the FBI includes reported crimes and not all alleged crimes are true for various reasons.  The number also doesn't mean if you had 1,256 women in a room that one would be a victim of rape.    It means the chance a woman has during her lifetime of being raped is roughly 1 in 1,256 in any given year.

False Allegations

The innocence project and studies have shown that at least 25% of DNA tested cases proved the rape convictions were wrong but the men still serve an average of seven years in prison for the crime.  In addition, another 25% of the test were inconclusive.  [14]   This could mean that up to half of the men with rape convictions in prison are innocent.  There are many legitimate scientific studies that show 50% of rape allegations are false and it maybe as high as 70% [15,16].  Feminist claim only 2% of the rape accusations are false.    The only source for the 2% number is the book "Against Our Will" written by a feminist who thinks all forms of heterosexual sex is rape.  The book gives no source and appears it was completely made up by author.   Despite this fact, it has shown up in legislation like "VAWA" and nearly every speech given by the Obama administration on the topic.

Women are rarely charged when making a false accusation even though filing false police reports is a crime.  Feminist will even argue that punishing false accusers will somehow make real victims reluctant to come forward.  Even accusers in national stories like the Duke lacrosse case were never charged for making the false allegation.   The only person who paid for the false report in the Duke Lacrosse case was the male prosecutor. [17]

Another interesting phenomenon is that of transference.    I am referring to where a patient transfers events in their life onto another person.  The accused are professionally devastated and are guilty until proven innocent.  [18]

When a man is accused of rape their life is usually destroyed and often the victim of vigilante mob justice. [19]    A false allegation is a serious problem and those who abuse the system should be punished.

False Statistics

People often claim that statistics can be found to justify any position in order rationalize their position.    However, facts don't lie but people do.     Most people will blindly accept a bumper sticker bit of information by confirmation bias.  The argument is not just about which numbers are correct because it is easy to determine what is true when you look at the source of the data.


Websites like RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest Nation Network) use statistics from the NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey) which are much higher than actual crime rates.  While RAINN performs many other services, I am only going to address their use of statistics.

The NCVS is a phone survey that measures the perception of people and can't be translated to actual crimes.  [20]  The survey has about 1,000 people who self report a crime.   There's no way of knowing if a crime was actually committed in any of these reported incidents.  An interesting fact about the NCVS data is that it shows male victims report the incident to police only 10% of the time (compared to 60% of females).  The data excludes female/male and female/female crimes.  Obviously, this data doesn't accurately represent crimes in the USA.  If anything, it represent the perception people have of crimes in the USA.  RAINN's website uses the NCVS to show a statistic of 1 in 77 which is about 15 times higher than the actual crime rate.

Another common claim originated by RAINN is only 3% of rapist serve any time in jail.  RAINN has never revealed how they calculated this statistic other than stating it was based on the NCVS and FBI statistics.  The FBI nor NCVS have statistics related to conviction rates and the type of comparison makes several assumptions of the data.
  1. All crimes reported to the police are true.  The FBI statistics show alleged crimes reported to police but doesn't track if the accused was found guilty of those crimes.
  2. All crimes not reported to the police are true.  The NCVS statistics show crimes claimed to have occurred by participants in the survey.    As previously noted, the NCVS numbers are much higher than the actual crime rate which indicates most of the alleged crimes are not reported to police.
  3. All criminals in jail are guilty.   The FBI and NCVS do not keep statistics on the guilt or innocence of the accused.
  4. All criminals in jail only committed one crime.   The FBI statistics counts the instances the crime was reported when most likely a single person committed multiple accounts.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics routinely performs analysis on conviction rates (even comparing them to other countries).   In fact, their data shows a conviction rate of about 80% for rape which are much higher than those for murder.  [21]  It's not 100% but keep in mind that the accusation of a crime is not the same as being guilty of that crime.  The high rate of false allegations means that the 80% conviction rate probably includes a lot of innocent people serving time for a crime they didn't commit.

Even though I have been critical of RAINN's representation of statistics, they have publicly come out against feminist claims of "rape culture".  They urge the White House to take meaningful measures to correct the problem.  RAINN's letter can be found on their website here.

Mary Koss

The feminist claim of 1 in 3 female college students are victim of sexual assault is also misleading and over 400 times higher than the actual crime rate.  The claim is rooted in the "Sexual Experience Survey" (SES) developed by Mary Koss in 1982. [22]   The self reported survey is a perception measurement (like the NCVS) of sexual aggression of male offenders on female victims (Notice it's one way?) and can not be directly translated into crimes or trends.   This survey was published in a peer reviewed journal.  [23]   This survey was later picked up by Ms. Magazine and misrepresented as an actual crime rate. [24]   The Koss survey inflated the numbers by included women as rape victims even when 73% didn't consider themselves rape victims. [25]   The survey questions blur the line between consent and "didn't want too".  A person may say they "didn't want to have sex" for various reasons but if they gave consent despite their reservations then they were not raped by any legal definition.  The survey also mentions coercion by drinking/drugs but doesn't specify how much or what.  When alcohol was involved was the person legally drunk or blacked out?   What kind of drugs were used and were they taken willingly?  The Koss survey, like the NCVS, excludes male victims who were not penetrated by another male.   The Koss survey has some major weaknesses and some have been addressed in later papers. [26,27,28]

The results of the Koss survey should be questioned because her findings are far outside of actual crime statistics and other surveys like the NCVS.  In fact, unbiased studies consistently show that sexual assaults on campus are rare. [29]   The Koss results are so much higher that they should be counted as an extraordinary claim, but one has to be willing to look at how the data was collected and analyzed to determine why the results were significantly higher.
Who are the rapist?

Feminist and the religious are trying to tell us that men are so terrible that they will rape a woman with little provocation.     Experts like David Lisak, have shown through studies that 90%+ of rapes are committed by serial rapist with an average of six victims before they are caught.  These studies also show that the majority of rape crimes are committed by about 4% of male population and nearly all of them go to jail. [30,31,32]    The sad part is even valid studies rarely address male victims, female perpetrators, or imply that only men lie about crimes.

There have been some research highlighting how under studied female perpetrators are. [33]  An overwhelming 94% of male youth in correctional facilities report being sexually abused by the minority (42%) female staff. [34]   Even if the inmate was willing in some capacity, an inmate can not give legal consent to sex.  The reason for this should be obvious to everyone because first most the victims in this report are under age and the staff have power over them.  An inmate may only give consent to a staff member due to fear that they may retaliate with their power.   Feminist like Adele Mercier, claims the males weren't raped (by the women) because they must have wanted it or he seduced the staff.  [35]

Any female can be a predator and it is common in our schools even though they get less media attention than males. [36]

Who are the victims?

What little information we have comes from independent studies that have largely been ignored.  Studies that look at both genders show that males and females are equal in rape victimization up until the male reaches puberty where females take a slight lead.     They also show that male reporting goes down which could explain the difference in reporting.  Studies show that a majority of male rapist are often repeat offenders who are the victims of rape by females in their childhood.  [37]

A study looking at victims in war, the genders are nearly equal in rape victimization if not more so for men. [38, 39]   The difference for men is there's no assistance available and they are shunned or killed if they come forward especially in countries where homosexuality is illegal.  The number of male rape victims in prison are far higher than the number female victims in society. [40, 41]    A college study showed that 51% of the male students were victims of sexual assaults. [42]  A CDC study, that Mary Koss consulted on, showed victimization rates of males and female is roughly equal and at least 45% of male victims were raped by females.  The CDC report calls male rape "made to penetrate" and tries to rationalize how men can't be raped.  [43]    Another CDC study showed that 16% of males (25% females) were sexually abused before the age of 18 and 40% of the males were victimized by females. [44]

Men are significantly less likely to report being raped. [45]   Even in cases where the sexual abuse was documented by agencies like government social services only 16% of men (64% women) considered themselves to be victims of sexual abuse. [46]

Sex Trafficking

 One of the most over looked areas in sexual crimes is that of sex trafficking.  This is most often shown as a women only crime, but in fact it impacts boys just as much as girls.    For example, a study in 2008 in New York found that most of the sex trafficking victims were male (54%).   There was even a bias in that both male and female victims were more likely to recruit other boys when they participated in recruiting. [47]

Males are rarely identified as prostitutes or rescued despite males being the majority of sex trafficking victims.  They are usually only arrested for petty crimes.  Males aren't seen as possible victims and those that are have little help available to them.    In fact, only 4 of the 25 shelters provided any services to male victims. [48]


This post is not about claiming who is the bigger victim but merely to show how the world really is.  Rape is simply not a gendered crime as feminist would have us believe and it is committed by men and women against both men and women.  Like most crimes, men are the victim of rape more often than women. [39]   What this information tells us is the claims made by feminist are completely false and we need a gender neutral approach to rape and research.


"What feminist don't want you to know"


I would like to give special thanks to the people at Exposing Feminism for their assistance with the research.
  31. Repeat Rape and Multiple Offending Among Undetected Rapists by David Lisak and Paul M. Miller, published in Violence and Victims, Vol 17, No. 1, 2002 (Lisak & Miller 2002) 
  32. Reports of Rape Reperpetration by Newly Enlisted Male Navy Personnel by Stephanie K. McWhorter, et al., published in Violence and Victims, Vol, 24, No. 2, 2009
  39. Stemple, Lara (2009). "Male Rape and Human Rights". Hastings Law Journal 3 (60): 605