Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rape: a crime against men

I think feminism is a term that is no longer relevant today.   We should be concentrating on human rights as a whole.   It shouldn't matter if the human is women/man or black/white.  Equal rights isn't the same as special rights. 

Rape will be the main topic here since I have recently heard rape argued from a perspective that it is a crime where women are the only victims or the male aspect is completely ignored.   I am not suggesting crimes against women are any less important.    There are many facts we can see from statistics like women are more often the one who files for divorce and receive custody 84% of the time.   ("A voice for men" list a lot of information on male victims with sources.)  However, rape of men is not so clear.   So are women the only ones who suffer from rape?    I define rape as one person forcing a sexual activity on another without informed consent. 

One issue when researching rape is that until January 2012 the FBI didn't include rape of men as victims which means than any crime statistics you see only report women victims with male rapist.  Even those numbers are problematic because the old 1927 definition required that the victim physically resisted (IE: forcible rape, think "legitimate rape"). 

This means that the 10 victims of Sandusky were not reported as a crime because his victims are male.   Of course, Sandusky was found guilty of the crime but his victims are not reported as a part of crime statistics for rape.   However it is still a problem because even the updated definition doesn't include women as the rapist.   According to the FBI you must have a penis to commit the crime of rape.   Imagine if Sandusky had been a woman and what the general attitudes toward the victims would be.    I have often heard male victims of female rape as lucky especially if their rapist is attractive.    Even when those women are brought to trial they often receive lighter sentences for their crime then a male with similar offenses.

Almost every where that talks about male victims is using data from the National Crime Victimization Survey.  (This is where the 1 in 10 men victim comes from.)   In 2010, there were 85,000 recorded rapes in the USA by the FBI UCR.    The National Crime Victimization survey recorded 189,000.    Why is there a large gap and how many of those are men?    This is not as reliable as crime statistics because there's no way to tell if all the male victims disclose their assault to the survey.  Another issue is the survey ignores female-male and female-female rape.   Thus the survey can only be used as a guide and not as fact.   The problem seems to be wide spread according to Lara Stemple of the U of California's Health and Human Rights Project, of the 4,000 International nongovernmental organizations (NGO) reports addressing wartime sexual violence only 3% mention male victims in passing. 

In the Congo men were often the victim of rape and sometimes the aggressor was a women.   In addition, these male victims were often castrated and/or penetrated with tree branches.   However, we usually only hear about the women victims.   In the Congo, 22% of men and 30% of women were the victim of rape.    We should expect a higher percentage of men when you consider that men were more likely (2 to 1) the victim of violence.  Homosexuality is also illegal in the area (men who are raped could be found guilty of homosexual crimes) and with the social stigma its difficult to determine the exact number due to under reporting by the victims.  

Denise A. Hines has done a lot of research in the last 5 years on this topic and she shows the genders are largely equal when it comes to abuse in relationships.    This information is largely based on surveys because statistics are not available.

So are women the only ones who suffer rape?  I don't know.   Technically no one can say much about men because there's almost no data.  No one can even say how often men are raped without large margins of error.   It's difficult to say how often a crime occurs when the action in question it's not considered a crime.

The absence of evidence for male victims of rape should raise concerns since the information we do have indicates that men are the victims of rape.  The only way to fix this is to treat rape the same way for both men and women.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Summary of Atheist+


Atheism+ is an attempt to hijack the online atheist/skeptical community for the purpose of promoting a radical political agenda using questionable methods.   The idea has probably been simmering on someone's back burner for sometime but was born after the "ElevatorGate" controversy by radical feminist who blame all their problems on men.     Their claims of sexism or harassment are often exaggerated.     

ElevatorGate (James Onen)

So this installment begins with Rebecca's claims of harassment which I believe were overly exaggerated if the event occurred at all.  Those who pointed out she and PZ Meyers attacked.   This fueled a fury of fighting online.

"Elevatorgate" hits bottom

Several media outlets have picked this up aside from causing a division within the Atheist/Skeptic Community.     Some popular skeptics/Atheist have also fallen into Ms. Watson's web.  When someone asked about the other side of the story from the guy in the elevator (Elevatorguy) his existence was dismissed with general assurances that it happens all the time sprinkled with some insults.  Claims need to be proven not asserted.

Even the theist, who are usually our debating partners, took notice with a large page at conservapedia.    Like most things on Conservapedia, the information is incomplete and inaccurate.  (

The divide widened as people started to choose sides on the issue.    This created the problems with ERV/Freethough/Slime pit as the factions developed.   (

Methodology (Kafkatrapping)

The cause of "elevatorgate" as well as the reasoning by "radical feminism" as used here seems to be kafkatrapping.    Basically you are guilty of the crime without question and refusal to admit your guilt confirms it.     The alleged crime is usually a thought crime of some kind.    Maybe your guilt is because you may have benefited in some way.     This reasoning is the basis of why all white people are guilty of slavery even if you never owned slaves or advocated the practice.

Ad Himinem (Thanks becky)

Definition: Argumentum ad himinem is an attempt to link the truth of a claim to a negative characteristic or belief of the person advocating it. Closely related to ad hominem, literal Latin “to the man”, this is instead “to the male” and removes gender ambiguity. It is however equally applicable to females who inexplicably defend argument as though cum testiculis, or seek to defend indefensible and erroneous  male perspectives. Antonym to ad feminam.

Rebecca Watson

She is probably one of the worst people to call themselves skeptic.   She was banned from a popular skeptics forum for bad (if not illegal) behavior.     She basically thinks the only crimes are those committed against women by men.  She will often cry foul when someone uses gender targeted action, and she uses the practice herself


The group is born but is largely confined to the blogs, Forums, and Facebook.      As many people note, the stated goals of the group are admirable but the methods used by the group leave a sour taste.  Their tactics are usually us and them tactics.   You are with us or against us.  (

A good outline of the group :  

    How to alienate your members

    Some people are already leaving this new group because of their tactics.

    The Issues

     Where they get social issues wrong is how they address the issues they deem important.   They ignore pretty much everything outside of their radical feminism.    It's more of a "strawman" tactic.   They first define the issue as they view it then argue for solutions to the problem they give.    The issue is the problem they define doesn't exists.


      Even the initial Atheism+ logo for the group seems to have come from Richard Dawkin's online store.

      Myers Law 

      Many people have tried having a rational discussion of the ideas with the group to no avail.    This seems to be a common theme within the group.

      Get someone fired for disagreement

      Thunderf00t has been involved from the start which started largely by his criticism of the groups philosophy. 

      More Information on PZ Myers

      More Information on FreethoughBlogs (FTB)

      Franc Hoggle has been writing about the issues with FTB since it came around.    The FTB people even tried to "Doc Drop" (give out personal information) but failed when they disclosed the information of an innocent bystander by mistake.

      Wednesday, September 5, 2012

      a poem

      Melt me with those icy blues,
      pools I used to swim in
      Now all I see are sorrow hues,
      reservoirs I drown in

      the tears that fall,
      the pain that rips
      that tears my heart asunder
      draw one last breath,
      the bubbles stop,
      my lungs filled with my blunder
      I don't know why, I don't know
      how to fill the cracks I fall in
      but I won't forget the liquid lights,
      the puddles, I now crawl in.

      -Erica Fisher