Saturday, January 25, 2014

Feminist Ideology

What feminist don't want you to know


Feminist seem unable to make a logical and reasonable argument for their position and they abuse copyright claims and site flag features to censor ideas online.  Their ad hominem [1] attacks are usually confined to a few words or phrases like rape apologist, misogyny, woman-hater, and sexist.  Usually this is their sole attempt at an argument or a method to end the discussion.   I have yet to find a feminist who can make a fact based argument with logic and reason based on evidence.

Their efforts are not limited to online venues.  Feminist have torn down posters about equality at a construction site in Canada. [2]   The sole issue with the posters was not the message but simply the ideology of feminism was being attacked. 

Feminist protested a conference held by the organization CAFE [3] covering issues facing men today.  [4]   After verbally assaulting several people at the conference, the feminist also blocked the entrance and the police had to be called.      During the lecture, they pulled the fire alarm to force the end of the meeting. [5]  I would urge anyone to look at CAFE's website and find a single sentence that is hateful of anyone.

A lecture [6] by Warren Farrell [7] was violently protested by feminist where he was discussing how men today are in crisis.  [8]    Mr. Farrell has been anti-feminism at times but nothing in his speech or books are anti-woman.  His lectures focus on issues facing men in our society.

After all, belief systems or ideologies like feminism are not allowed to be criticized.  Why would any reasonable person be against a discussion of issue facing men?

Right to Vote

The first claim about feminist working toward equality is usually a bumper sticker statement about a women's right to vote.  This claim is revisionist history because the right to vote for women wasn't done by feminist nor was it about equality.  The story of the right to vote is complicated and can't be explained by a simple statement.   The right to vote was only given to citizens and every state had a different definition of what a citizen was.  Most of the states didn't directly restrict a woman's right to vote and more than half the states allowed women to vote prior to the 19th amendment. [9]   The 19th amendment streamlined voting laws across all the states.  The majority of states coupled the vote with owning property and nothing prevented women from owning property.  Some restrictions were in place where property owned by a woman were under the control of the man if she were married.   When laws like this existed there were balances called covertures in place to protect the woman from abuse of the law by the man. [10]

The right to vote was different for each state and nearly all had some restrictions based on race, wealth, or religion. These laws were more about restricting the right to vote to the rich or the majority.  While the laws restricted a woman's ability to vote, it also prevented most men from voting too.

Many women at the time were against getting the vote because one of the conditions of being a citizen was conscription.  This was obvious by the "white feather campaign" and the suffragettes who helped enforced the male obligation by shaming men into serving the military. [11]  The suffragettes took time out of campaigning for the right to vote by giving a white feather to any male who was not in uniform.   This was to publicly label them a coward.    Children were often targeted by these women as well.  This method was so effective that wounded servicemen were given special silver badges to prevent them from being targeted by the white feather campaign.    This was only done after large numbers of veterans committed suicide after receiving a white feather thinking they cowards for not dying on the battlefield.

The supreme court ruled in 1918 that a citizen had to serve when called as a part of being a citizen.     There were few exceptions and were for religious groups like the Amish, Mennonites, and Quakers.  Men who refused service were sentenced to death or life in prison with hard labor.  The last execution for refusing service took place as late as 1917.    The draft applied to all men on average of 18 or older while most of those men forced to serve in the military did not have the ability to vote just on age alone.   The minimum draft age changed depending on the needs of the military.    However there were plenty of discussions of what the minimum should be.    In 1951 the assistant Secretary of Defense, Mrs Anna Rosenberg, proposed that the age be lowered to 18 from 19 because potential enemies like China draft at 16.  [12]

Most of the suffragettes were talking about rights for the middle class women and often ignored the lower class working women.  The women's suffrage movement didn't have much support among women.  In 1913, polls showed that the majority of women opposed it.  (85%) [13]   This anti-suffrage sentiment among women continued in 1915. [14]   It seems odd that in a span of 4 years public opinion would change from an overwhelming majority opposed to women's suffrage to a slight majority supporting it.     A possible motivation for this change was racism since many of the women leaders in the suffragettes expressed this sentiment:

"You have put the ballot in the hands of your black men, thus making them political superiors of white women. Never before in the history of the world have men made former slaves the political masters of their former mistresses"

Anna Howard Shaw, 1847-1919 (Physician, Methodist minister, president of the National Woman Suffrage Association.)
"The enfranchisement of women would insure immediate and durable white supremacy, honestly attained, for upon unquestioned authority it is stated that in every southern State but one there are more educated women than all the illiterate voters, white and black, native and foreign, combined. As you probably know, of all the women in the South who can read and write, ten out of every eleven are white. When it comes to the proportion of property between the races, that of the white outweighs that of the black immeasurably"

Belle Kearney, 1863-1939 (Orator, novelist, Mississippi state senator) 

"What will we and our daughters suffer if these degraded black men are allowed to have the rights that would make them even worse than our Saxon fathers"

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1815-1902 (Social activist, abolitionist, author)
"The white men, reinforced by the educated white women, could ‘snow under’ the Negro vote in every State, and the white race would maintain its supremacy without corrupting or intimidating the Negroes"

Laura Clay, 1849-1940 (Founder of Kentucky’s first suffrage group)
"Alien illiterates rule our cities today; the saloon is their palace, and the toddy stick their scepter. The colored race multiplies like the locusts of Egypt".

Frances Willard, 1839-1898 (Feminist lecturer, founder of the National Council of Women, anti-child abuse activist)
"White supremacy will be strengthened, not weakened, by women's suffrage".

Carrie Chapman Catt, 1859-1947 (Founder of the League of Women Voters) 
"I do not want to see a negro man walk to the polls and vote on who should handle my tax money, while I myself cannot vote at all, When there is not enough religion in the pulpit to organize a crusade against sin; nor justice in the court house to promptly punish crime; nor manhood enough in the nation to put a sheltering arm about innocence and virtue—-if it needs lynching to protect woman’s dearest possession from the ravening human beast so then I say lynch, a thousand times a week if necessary".

Rebecca Ann Latimer Felton, 1835-1930 (First woman to serve in the Senate)

In 1919, women were given the vote but never the obligation of service which men weren't allowed to refuse.  Men had to wait another 50 years before the draft was ended in 1970.  Men paid for the right to vote with blood while women got it for having a vagina.  Women are the only group who received the right to vote by asking for it and without bloodshed.  Even in the military today, men over 97% of all war casualties [15] and all men are still required to register for the draft which is now called "selective service".  According to the selective service website, those who don't register by the age of 26 will be disqualified for federal student loans, jobs, and job training.     They could also face five years in jail and/or a fine of $25,000.    Male immigrants who become a citizen before they are 26 are required to register to obtain citizenship.   On top of federal penalties, nearly every state their own penalties including denial of a driver's license.     Women are still completely except from the draft.

For more information on the suffrage I would recommend reading books on the anti-suffrage movement.   One book is titled "No Votes for Women" and it is available on Amazon.

What women want

For about the last 40 years women have been the majority of voters at the polls.  [16]   This majority is why most politicians pander to the women demographic during elections.    The fact is that women are a major influence in elections and they don't want to be drafted.

In an poll in 1957, more females than males thought the draft was needed and only 4% of the females thought women should be drafted compared to 40% of the males.  [17]

The Carter Administration wanted to make the draft gender neutral and in 1980 another poll showed that a majority of women thought the draft was needed but the majority of women also didn't want to be drafted.  This contrast with the majority of men who wanted women to be drafted too.  [18]   These opinions were nearly identical a year later in another poll.  [19]   

A poll in 2013 shows that opinions on the draft remain nearly unchanged today.     In the poll, 59% of men supported females being drafter while a majority of the woman (48%) opposed it. [20]

The majority of men (59%) in 1980 supported the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).   The major opposition to the ERA was the fact it would required women be subject to the draft because exemptions based on gender would be unconstitutional.  The opposition mainly came from conservatives in the southern states.  [21]

In 1981, congresswoman, Clare Boothe Luce, pushed for the draft to be made equal across race and class without any college exceptions because our military should represent all Americans.   Her ideas of being equal excluded women who would remain exempt from the draft.  [22]

The military in the United States has been opening up to females over the last decades and females still only make up 14% of the personell.  [23]   Israel probably has the most integrated military and actively drafts females.   Despite the draft, females only make up 3% of the combat forces and are given exemptions that are not available to their male peers.


"What feminist don't want you to know"

Sources: (Revision 2)

I would like to give special thanks to the people at Exposing Feminism for their assistance with the research.   The credit for the Suffragettes quotes goes to Kristal Garcia (@KristalDGarcia)
  13. The Tribune Republican, 11/14/1913; Page 16:
  14. San Francisco Chronicle, 10/21/1915,

Monday, January 20, 2014


What feminist don't want you to know

The newest tactic that feminist use against their critics is to call someone a men's rights activist (MRA).  (Also: Men's Human Rights Activist "MHRA") This is used as an insult similar to calling someone a jerk.  The basis of this insult is feminist accusations that all MRA's are hateful or bad in some way.   It is an Ad Hominem fallacy. [1]

I think of a MRAs as people like Paul Elam, John Hembling, Erin Pizzey, Karen Straughan, and Alison Tieman.  These are people who contribute to A Voice For Men.   They maintain a high standard, never incite violence, and have said nothing anti-woman.  They are against the feminist ideology which is not the same as being anti-woman.  The "NAFALT" feminist are quick to distance themselves from the extremist who call themselves feminist but hypocritically classify all MRA's by extremist or trolls they encounter.   This is an argument by a genetic fallacy. [2]  

I have never claimed to be a MRA because I don't do any activism.  I get into arguments with feminist because I am against bad information.   I base my opinions on facts and spend a large amount of time doing research.

Moreover, I fear what kind of world my sons will grow up in.    A place where they can be kicked out of school or the military solely on an accusation without due process.    A world where marriage and having children is probably the worst choice they could make because the odds of a fair outcome are against them.

I think everyone should speak up when injustice is being done.   Historically, men have been treated as disposable objects that are valued only by their output.   Why are men's rights important?

Men are:
  • 97% of all war casualties [3]
  • the majority of violence crime victims [4]
  • 80% of all suicides [5]
  • to three times longer prison sentences for the same crime [6]
  • have a lower life expectancy by more than 6 years [7] 
  • 92% of occupational fatalities [8]
Men's rights are important because of these facts in addition to the topics I cover in this series of post.    Anyone who says they don't agree with MRAs are simply saying men don't matter.


"What feminist don't want you to know"


I would like to give special thanks to the people at Exposing Feminism for their assistance with the research.

Friday, January 17, 2014


What feminist don't want you to know

Recently, I got involved in an online discussion about feminism.   I decided to researcthis topic in depth and write a blog about the the common themes I encountered in the discussion.   The research for this post took longer than I anticipated. I am not the type who does a quick google then after a quick read assume the results support my position.   I will break this up into multiple post to make it more manageable.

The discussion I was involved in quickly turned to ad hominem and shaming by the feminist as if talking about social issues concerning men is being sexist and "blaming the victim".   To a feminist, the victim is always female and the perpetrator is always male.  The common tactic of shaming is used by feminist to silence critics because they are not interested in equality or openly discussing ideas.  When someone is advocating for the rights of one gender, it doesn't follow that they are against the rights of the other.   I accept that sexism exist in the world, but it isn't the sexism that feminist claim.  Feminism was never about equal rights and has become toxic to society today.


The claim is that feminism is about equal women's rights.  This is often the first fallacy [1] used by feminist to rationalize their position.  There are gendered equality issues on both sides and today there are far more male than female issues.    Even if you assume that feminism is just about equality, as the dictionary claims, then the problem is who defines what equality is.  Feminist only measure one side of the equation.  If a feminist was truly about equality then they would at least be willing to listen to men's issues.

The proponents of the movement give themselves an "ism" label that by it's definition excludes issues affecting half of the human population.   Feminist are pushing for special rights where equality already exists.

All feminist rely on an appeal to some form of "patriarchy theory" to explain their position.   At least I have never heard any other justification.    If they don't specifically call it "patriarchy" then they will define it during the discussion.   Patriarchy is the idea that women have always been subjugated and oppressed by men for the sole purpose and benefit of men.   For any theory to work it must be falsifiable.    This means that there must be an outcome or event that could destroy the theory and force the author to start over.   However, feminist play on both sides of the argument by claiming that anything that proves the theory wrong actually proves the theory making it impossible to disprove.  Patriarchy is a threat narrative by design and sets a "us versus them" grouping.  The basic idea of a threat narrative is to make a select group of people look like the cause of all the problems of another group of people.  This type of propaganda has been used through out time to justify the most horrible acts.


Almost every feminist I've spoken too will eventually claim "Not all feminist are like that" (NAFALT) which is a "no true scotsman" fallacy. [2]   Every group of feminist thinks those outside their group have the wrong philosophy.   Everyone inside the group thinks their brand is mainstream and the correct one.    It's amusing to witness a feminist call another one a "labia trader".

It's a fallacy because the argument isn't what all feminist are like because it varies from person to person.  There's no reason for a person to be attached to the word feminist.     Someone who supports equal rights would be better served calling themself a humanist.      The feminist I am talking about are those that matter in the world today and not the coffee shop variety.

They type of feminism we should be concerned with is the mainstream, scholarly, acedemics, movements, and the organizations.  Any feminist that matters is the issue because their ideology is toxic and inspires laws and policies.  The feminist ideology invents social issues and proposes solutions to the imaginary problem.  If men and women are equal then fixing imaginary feminist problems will shift the balance to biased against men.   I will show how some of the ideas are making into law and affecting us all. 

Feminism is not the same thing as women's rights.   There is a lot of ideology and philosophy under the feminism umbrella and nearly everything a feminist says is wrong because it's based on false statistics or can't be proven.   Even when a feminist hypothesis is shown to be wrong they won't let it go.   All feminist believe in common concepts.

Who are Feminist?

The problem is what people are doing in the name of feminism and these ideas are making it into law.  Looking at most of the leaders of the "2nd wave" feminism and you will see a collection of sociopaths who were abused at some point in their life.  Their mantra has been "make the personal political" which means to take your personal damage and make it a problem for other people.

The poster child would be Valerie Solanas [3] who wrote the S.C.U.M manifesto.   The meaning of "SCUM" is somewhat debated but the contents of the book are not.      In her book she describes as the only solution to imaginary problems is to kill all the males in the world.   She later tried to implement her plan with a failed attempt to kill Andy Warhol.   She died in 1988 but many feminist still claim she is a hero of the movement.  

Feminist haven't improved much in recent times.   Women like like "Femitheist Divine" advocated a "National Castration Day" where any man who refused to be castrated would just be killed.   [4]  This person later faked rumors about her suicide to gain attention after she was largely ignored even by fellow feminist.   The video detailing her final solution appears to be removed but a Google search will still show a few mirrors. [5]   There was not a single feminist who denounced her message or protested it.

More examples can be found in places like RadFem Hub where feminist calmly talk about killing males.     The "Agent Orange Files" is a collection of evidence from the hub showing women openly talking about hurting and killing males of all ages for imaginary offenses. [6]   These people are not radicals in the shadows.   Some of the members are childcare workers, teachers, government employees, and women from every walk of life.   Where are the massive protest of the "NAFALT" feminist to get this group branded a hate group?    Where are the groups to flag their videos and material?

How about feminist who claim that every form of heterosexual sex is rape?   [7]   This idea isn't isolated to a few followers of feminism.   It has been recycled repeatedly since the beginning of the movement. 

How safe would your male baby to be in the arms of a woman who thinks he is the problem and a future rapist?   It should come as no surprise when someone decides the only solution is too kill men when they believe an ideology like patriarchy theory which asserts that women are the victim of men and always have been.

This is only a small list and more examples of mainstream feminist thought can be found at this site.    Here are a few quotes from prominent modern feminist.

Robin Morgan (Ms Magazine Editor)

"I feel that "man-hating" is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." [8]

"All the discriminatory practices against women are patterned and rationalized by this slavery-like practice. We can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage." [8]

I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire.

Andrea Dworkin

"Under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman." [10]

"I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig."

"Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice."

"Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies."  [11]

Sandy Brown

"When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression..." [12]

Catherine Comins (assistant dean of student life at Vassar)

"They have a lot of pain, but it is not a pain that I would necessarily have spared them. I think it ideally initiates a process of self-exploration. 'How do I see women?' 'If I didn't violate her, could I have?' 'Do I have the potential to do to her what they say I did?' Those are good questions.'"

(Explaining how a man's life ruined by a false accusation of rape is a good thing)

Hilary Clinton

"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. Women often have to flee from the only homes they have ever known. Women are often the refugees from conflict and sometimes, more frequently in today’s warfare, victims. Women are often left with the responsibility, alone, of raising the children." [13] 

She is saying that men aren't victims of their own deaths and minimizing the suffering of half the human population.      Yet, If she had said something like "Whites were the primary victims of slavery..." then she would have been denounced all over the media and out of a job.

There are many more examples like this from feminist.  The goal of these post is to highlight the damage being done by feminist and not to focus on any single person.


Sources: (Revision 2)

I would like to give special thanks to the people at Exposing Feminism for their assistance with the research.
  4. (The video appears to have been removed)
  8.  "Lesbianism and Feminism: Synonyms or Contradictions?", in Going Too Far: The Personal Chronicle of a Feminist, p 178.
  9. Morgan, Robin, ed., Sisterhood Is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings From the Women's Liberation Movement (N.Y.: Random House, 1st ed. 1970), p. 537.
  10.   Our Blood (1976)
  11. Intercourse (1987) chapter 7, "Occupation/Collaboration"
  12. "Against our will", Sheila Jeffrys