Woke "Identity politics": A political movement where people create a new personal identity based on physical traits like race and/or gender. The Identity can also include imaginary traits such as animals and mythical creatures. The most important aspect of the individual is how they identify. The identity is only known to the individual via their state of mind therefor transitions between identities is seamless but hidden from others. (Trans-gender, Trans-race, trans-species, trans-age) This lead to the use of custom Pronouns in English (and Spanish) and appearance changes, based on extreme stereotypes, to show the identity to the world. People are expected to asked for identities and those identities followed without mistakes. Incorrect assumptions are seen as a direct attack. All attacks on the identity are an attack on the person and group thus violence. (Transphobia/homophobia) This lead to the need for trigger warnings and safe spaces in the early movement. Violence has become more common as more will verbally or physically attack over bad guesses or innocent mistakes. The movement grew out of identity feminist in the early 2000s as other identities beyond gender were accepted. Feminist and Woke both use "patriarchy" (proletariat) in their ideology. The root ideology is based on a modernized version of Marxism where class struggle is replaced with gender struggle (feminism) and identity struggle (woke). Furthermore, the identity follow a hierarchy where different degrees of "oppression" for each class (identity) is observed. This hierarchy is not well defined and constantly changes although a given individual's identity is usually the top (most oppressed). However, heterosexual white females then heterosexual white males are the commonly least oppressed.