Last Shelter: Players Guide - Events
Last Shelter Guides:
The DD event adds occupying plots and cross state alliance duels. You will be purchasing a lot of stone from the alliance store so be sure to keep the technology donations going. The alliance members must donate stone to the buildings so the alliance centers can be built. Every alliance member should collect as many stones as possible leading up to the event. Each member will need to contribute at least 15K stones to be able to build all 4 alliance centers. This done through buildings in the alliance menu. The donate button at the top. Hopefully, you will have enough stone to place all the alliance buildings as soon as the event starts.Purchasing the doomsday investment benefit gives you boost of composite materials, bonus tickets, and one free specialty reset per week.
Stone Requirements:
- Alliance Center 1 - 1,000 Stones
- Alliance Center 2 - 200,000 Stones
- Alliance Center 3 - 400,000 Stones
- Alliance Center 4 - 800,000 Stones
Event Concept
The concept is to occupy tiles working toward resources and abandon low level plots for higher ones. You can only occupy adjacent tiles occupied by your alliance or next to honor structures. You must take at least one tile at each level, similar to zombies. Always work in the direction of higher level tiles. The first war can be declared a week after the start of the event. You should leave 5 - 10 tiles open in both your and foreign state to be used during DD wars.
Occupying a tile cost 10 durability and receives season points based on the level. Fighters are the slowest units but they are the cheapest to heal and provide the most destructive power. The destructive power is important when taking occupied tiles from someone. Occupied tiles have 500 durability and an all fighter APC can take the tile with one hit.
The immunity of a tile is based on your virus lab levels and specialty point allocation. If this is greater than zero then your troops will get infected by the percentage given and require healing. It is best to only hit tiles with a 0% and work on upgrading your virus labs. The immunity percentage will decrease your troop power and if the remaining troops fall blow the guardian power then you will fail to occupy the tile. It should also be noted that the guardian power increases in later season of doomsday. The difference between season 1 guardian power and season 2 is ten fold. You can garrison tiles occupied by your alliance. This increases the guardian power of the tile.
- White tiles are occupied by another alliance in your state.
- Blue tiles are occupied by your alliance.
- Green tiles are occupied by you.
- Purple tiles are occupied by another state.
Resources in occupied territory provide contaminated resources that must be harvested at least once a day. Processed resources are added to your warehouses. Save your APC durability to use on occupying tiles and war. How much you harvest and influence is determined by how many resource tiles you occupy and the level of those tiles. The amount of cash you get is based on your influence rank in your state.
The Adjudicator is also available on the map for rallies likes you do for Wendels. You can rally one Wendel and one Adjudicator every day. The Adjudicator rewards are specific to the Dooms Day event.
You can reset your specialty to blue to the left related to immunity boost to allow you to take higher tiles than your immunity lab levels allow alone.
Honor Structures
you reach a resource tile, abandon lower level or empty tiles
and repeat. You must upgrade your immunity labs to get higher level tiles
and the processing plant to increase the capacity and processing speed.
You will need composite material to upgrade the processing plant which is gained from processing fuel and mineral. Virus samples are used to upgrade the virus lab which come from processing water, food, and wood. You get a set of honor
structures for each of the four alliance centers. There's four buildings placed at the alliance center 1 (Processing Plant, Virus Research Lab, Guardian Fortress, and Special Operations [Assault Fortress]) The other alliance centers have two buildings: Processing Plant and Virus Research Lab.
You can place additional fortresses by unlocking them in the specialties. Once these buildings are placed you can reset your specialty. The fortress buildings are important. The garrison fortress will increase your APC resistance in taking tiles and defending buildings. The assault fortress will increase your APC might. The more fortress you place and the higher the level the less infected troops you will have from taking tiles. They will also boost your power when garrison buildings or tiles.
Buildings require stone to be placed on the map. The stone cost increases for each alliance center and by the distance away from the alliance center. They can only be placed next to other buildings, but they can be moved once placed. (Tap on building, then View and relocate) The building will need to be repaired if it is moved and can't be moved again until it has been repaired.
The first step is to upgrade your processing plants as quickly as possible. These buildings are cheaper to upgrade and will allow you to process the resources quicker to get the large amount of virus samples you will need to upgrade your virus labs. You will accumulate honor points and stone for taking tiles. Honor
points are used to open buffs under specialty. I usually work on buffs under Construction specialty only related
to processing speed and additional processing queues. The more
resources you can process the faster you can upgrade your honor
structures. However, you can reset these specialties to focus on other task.
A week after the DD start there will be an option for declaring war on another alliance. The target can be an alliance in another state or in your home state. You can only select specific alliances that are 5 ranks below or above you. Once war is declared and executed there is a cool down period of 20 hours. The duel time is controlled by the truce timer set by the R5/R4. The times are reset, reset + 8 hours, and reset + 16 hours. You can only change the truce timer once every 7 days. The other option is the "Find Opponent" button This will select the first available alliance open for a duel. This can be devastating to small alliance because it allows high ranking alliances to declare on smaller alliances.
If your alliance is not powerful then you should declare on an alliance quickly to avoid a larger alliance declaring on you. By power, I'm referring to how many of your players have T9 troops. Many alliances are willing to deals on duels where one alliance will win to exchange points without major damage to buildings.
The goal of war is to occupy enemy territory and destroying buildings during a duel. You will get a bonus for destroying the enemy alliance center. The event is based on points earned for those actions with more points awarded for higher level tiles and buildings. A bonus is given for taking each enemy alliance center. The most difficult task is to coordinate your members.
Each alliance is given a limited number of DoomsDay missiles. DD missiles can not be intercepted by anti-missiles and instantly zero any base. These should be used sparingly and only to turn the tide of the duel. If you have an arranged duel then the missiles can be used against any base adjacent to your tiles.
Unfortunately, once the enemy is at the honor structures around the alliance center the chances of loss is almost certain. Your only defense is to garrison buildings and try to remove their connecting tiles before they destroy the building. Losing the war becomes greater the closer to the alliance center they get. At this point, it becomes a race for points and this is where most of the individual losses occur due to garrisoning the honor structures and alliance center. The highest rank alliances are often the ones with the greatest amount of participation and not the power of their members.
The best strategy is to keep them away from the alliance center as long as possible. I recommend avoiding a direct confrontation with their troops unless you are certain your members are more powerful than theirs.
Most alliances favor building their alliance center in a corner of the map. Generally, alliances put everything into protecting their first alliance center and neglect the others. The reason for this is the enemy must take your AC1 first before they can place rally points close to your other alliance centers. Often, alliances will tile in your state to get close to your undefended ACs to set up an easy win for their next duel.
The first transport to a rally point is free during the duel and are limited to the area around the rally point so it doesn't matter where the alliance centers are on the map. (Transports are not free if you duel an alliance within your home state.) A solid defense strategy and member participation is more important than location. If you are not integrating the defenses of your alliance centers by placing them as close together as possible then make sure they are randomly distributed on the map. Often it is easy to find alliance centers because they build #1 in the corner and the others are built in a straight line between #1 and the launch center.
During the war, everyone should be attacking enemy occupied territory and repairing damaged honor structures. Any members who can't participate in the duel should concentrate in taking back all enemy occupied territory after duel. All enemy tiles should be cleared from your state so that state members have plenty of tiles for their use and the tiles can't be used in later duels to attack undefended alliance centers.
There are several specialties in the red (combat) that are useful for destroying and defending buildings.
Specialty Points
The specialty points you use depends on what your goals are. There are three main branches that I personally use on a regular basis. I focus on these specialties because resets cost money. You get a free weekly reset with the DoomsDay investment. Additional weekly resets cost $10. If you need more resets then you must buy a legendary pack at $99.
Immunity: (Left side of Construction) This gives you a boost to your immunity level additional to the immunity labs. The lower branch increases healing speed and lowers healing cost.
Processing Queues: (Right side of Construction) This specialty will give you additional processing Queues for processing resources and increase your processing speed and amount.
Honor bonus: (Left of Resource) This gives you bonus in honor points when upgrading buildings as well as a random award once a day.
The lower right of the the resource will give you bonus boost while taking tiles. In addition, there are two skills of interest. The first skill allows you to temporarily boost the RSS you get from surrounding tiles. The last skill allows you to increase the level of tiles you occupy.
My method is to use the immunity boost to get as many high level tiles as possible. I switch to processing queues once I have all the tiles I can get. This allows you to process the harvested resources quickly. I stay on this specialty until I have a large amount of composite and virus samples. The more buildings you can upgrade the more bonus you can get. I try to have a minimum of 7 upgrades since this will usually get you an additional specialty point.
Finally, I reset to honor bonus on CoZ build day then activate a honor bonus ticket, CoZ Bonus Ticket, and the specialty skills. This will give you a 290% honor bonus. I complete as many honor building upgrades as possible while the bonus are active. This should give points for CoZ and increase your specialty points quickly.
The honor bonus is based on the level of the building. It isn't worth using the skill until your buildings are higher than 12. You will get a new specialty point for roughly every 7-8 building upgrades.
Hero Experience: (Top of Resource) Another useful branch is the top of the resource branch. This increases your hero experience and provides two skills. One skill allows APC training at occupied tiles with no damage and the second gives you 100% resource protection during a siege which is useful for KE events.
Duel Scoring
After the duel, 20% of the losing alliance points are awarded to the winner and deducted from the loser. The points earned during the duel are added to the total points of the alliance then the rewards are calculated. Keep in mind that earned points are converted and are not 1:1.
For Example, assume the two alliance start with the following points:
Alliance 1 (A1) : Points 100
Alliance 2 (A2) : Points 100
If A1 wins the duel the points are awarded:
A1 Points: 120
A2 Points: 80
Remember, you do not get points for any actions taken during the preparation phase of a duel which last 30 minutes after war is declared. The battle phase will last 2 hours unless one alliance destroys all the alliance centers of the other. It cost 10 durability to take tiles and attack buildings.
Member Scoring
Season: These are points from occupying tiles in the world. These points are converted directly to your total score 1:1.
Declaration: This is points from occupying enemy plots and destroying buildings. These points are converted 1:100 to your total score.
Stone Donation: This is just points obtained by your stone donation to the alliance. The points are converted 1:10 to your total score.
Alliance Center

map set up around the alliance center should be in a checker board
pattern extending out at least 200km in all directions using farms. (This distance should be extended in later DD seasons.) The main alliance should have tiles on the outside edge of the grid to make attacks on the enemy rally point easier.
The honor buildings around the alliance
center should be in single rows with an empty row between. Farm accounts should be in the outside ring of the defense with the alliance defenders forming an inner ring. The farm alliances will be used to block incoming enemy paths and force the enemy to use missiles to make a hole. The alliance bases are the last line of defense for the alliance center. They will block the incoming paths and garrison honor buildings as needed.
The farm alliance alliance center and buildings should be on the outside of your tile grid in a long line multiple buildings deep. You can attack any buildings with your tiles adjacent too, but any attacks outside of a duel will cost double the durability. This means the enemy will spend a lot of precious durability just to get through your farm alliance.
You don't want a gap anywhere near your alliance center big
enough for a rally point (6 tiles). The bigger the area you can create
around your alliance center the better. The goal is to force the
enemy to rally far away from your alliance center so they use up most of
their durability before getting to your alliance center.
The bases defending your alliance center should be as close as possible to the action. You can't use acceleration speed ups when attacking tiles or builds. They can be used when attacking the alliance center. Often, the winner is determined by the number of participants and travel time. The more participants you have the more durability you have available.
Honor Structures
The second part of the plan is to protect the alliance center if the enemy gets to the area. An effective layout of your honor structures is to surround the launch center in rings working out from the center. The Assault Fortress is the best building to be on the outside followed by the garrison. Those buildings are harder to destroy than the other two. Remember, all honor structures can be garrisoned by any alliance member.
If you build in a corner then modify the layout to cover to the edges of the map. Your Virus lab and processing plant are the weakest and should be at the back or well protected. The area between the parameters should be left open. All the other bases should be on the outside ring. Don't forget that any base under level 19 maybe hit by missiles to clear a path for the enemy advance although it takes 30 minutes for ruins to clear.
The idea is you occupy tiles in front of the enemy path forcing them to go around. There is a cool down period once you occupy a tile. This can give you precious moments to take back tiles from their path to delay their advance.
Alliance Member Task
The most important factor is coordination of your members. Everyone should be divided into smaller groups for specific functions. You will want to be able to have multiple waves. For example, Team 1 starts making a path to the enemy AC. Team 2 will take over the task once Team 1 runs out of durability.
If there is a free-for-all you will have everyone using up their durability and wasting it on the same buildings. It's not necessary for 20 members to attack the same honor building or one tile.
group will form a wall of bases around the alliance center and should be B19 or higher. In DD,
bases can not be directly attacked by an APC's but can be attacked by a
missile. If you form a solid wall of bases the enemy will not be
able to take adjacent tiles because they can't attack your base.
This will force them to go around your base while constantly being
harassed by the Blockers.
If the enemy gets to your
honor structures then the Defenders should garrison the honor structures
to prevent them from being damaged.
job will be to occupy any territory in the path of the enemy
occupation. Tiles have a cool down timer after being occupied giving 5
minutes where the tiles can't be touched by anyone. Tiles in the
process of being abandoned can be attacked. You can camp an APC on an
occupied territory forcing the enemy to defeat you first.
Doing this will force the enemy to
constantly go around the tiles. This is one of the most important
tactics because it runs down the enemy durability.
will be a small group of players who's purpose will be to attack the
rally point of the enemy. They should be near any ambush point ready
to attack the rally point. Destroying the rally point gives you a
major boost in points and can stop the enemy cold.
Enemy State
Lone Wolf
At least
one person should go to the enemy state with the simple goal of
occupying territory. Their job is just to occupy territory as deep as
possible in the enemy state. Every player will get enormous rewards
if they fill their occupied territory in the home and enemy state.
The only chance you get to occupy a foreign state is from a rally
point. So while the attackers do their job the lone wolf must go as
far as they can. All alliance members will later use these tiles to
expand their own holdings in state territory. These tiles can also be used to sneak up on enemy alliance centers in later duels.
will be the group that goes to the enemy state to attack the alliance
center and support buildings. Make sure you don't weaken the defense
of your own state by a majority of players going to the enemy state.
The goal is to get to the alliance center as soon as possible. This
group should be divided into two task. The first group's goal is to
destroy as many support buildings as possible. This will make up the
majority of your attacking group and will confuse the enemy especially
if they are not taking direct lines to the alliance center. The second
group's goal is to take the shortest path to the alliance center.
the alliance is big and taking the alliance center is not possible then
concentrate on damaging as many honor buildings as possible. The
winner is determined by the number of points accumulated which is
totaled by the buildings destroyed (including their level) and territory
The exact strategy will depend on how the
enemy has set up their map. Remember, wounded troops cost to heal so
avoid as much direct conflict as possible.
Destroyer Missile
Starting in season 2, you can build a destroyer missile from the alliance build menu. You can build one every 24 hours at a cost of 100k stone. The alliance guardian is the only one who can fire the missile from up to 500km away. The activation of the missile is announced in state chat and takes 5 minutes to prepare. During this time anyone in the state can attack the guardian. If the guardian is reset (base durability at zero) then the missile is cancelled.
When the missile is hits the target area it clears everything from the map in a 5X5 area including tiles (Even if in protection), bases, zombies, and resource plots. This is enough to place a rally point and 3 bases. The enemy can't teleport to the area or take the tiles.
A solid strategy for the attacker is to take all the tiles between the area and honor buildings. The rally point should be demolished as soon as this is done.
The defenders should take all the tiles between the destroyer and their honor structures. The tiles in the area will be cleared but the attacker won't be able to take the tiles in protection once they port in and it will allow you to immediately send DD missiles.
Starting in Season 3, each alliance center can have a legion. The R5 or Overseerer (R4) can appoint a legion master for each center. Alliance members can send their APC to the legion at any of the 4 centers by clicking on the alliance center then "Send to Legion". The main draw back is the member must have available tiles for both states and full APC durability. The legion master can not abandon tiles and the apc does not regenerate in the legion. (Although the APC regenerates at the normal rate for the owner.) The legion master can dismiss an APC from the legion which then returns to the owner. The APC owner can teleport to other states without their APC being removed from legion. However, they must be in the home state to send to legion.
The legion can only be used to take tiles in both states. It can't be used to attack buildings. The legion power is a sum of all the APC's in the legion and the speed is always constant regardless of the types of units in the APCs.
A new building "Garrison Building" is available on the build menu in the world map for the legion master. It can only be placed next to adjacent friendly tiles or on top of existing alliance tiles in a 3X3 area. It takes 5 minutes to build once placed. Members can use the Garrison building as an adjacent tile when occupying tiles. This building can be garrisoned for defense and legions assigned to it. It can be attacked by anyone in the state with adjacent tiles. You can not send a legion to a garrison in another state without first sending to a rally point in that state. Once the building is destroyed it is is remove from the map.
The legion master adds available APC to the legion then sends it to any garrison building in the home state or rally point in the other state. Once the legion arrives at the destination, the legion master can send it to take 5 tiles. The targeted tiles do not have to be adjacent to each other but they must be adjacent to friendly tiles. The legion master must be in the state where the legion is located to command it or send it to a different base.
The speed is comparable to fighters. The legion will return to base if one of the target tiles is in protection or it completes the assigned tiles.
The final rewards are the best in the game and are based on your alliance rank at the end of the season. The R5 automatically gets the leadership reward which is the most generous. This is followed by 9 core rewards and 90 main rewards. These 99 gifts are sent by the R5 to the alliance members.
The rewards can only be sent to members who have earned a minimum of 10,000 points. Every member can reach the minimum points by taking tiles and upgrading honor buildings alone over the season.