Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Reponse to Blog post of Strom

Original Blog post is located here.

This article is flawed to the point of absurdity. Roosh is a "pick up artist" which has nothing to do with the liberties of either gender.  This is a fact that Roosh himself has said repeatedly despite feminist trying to throw him in with the men's rights crowd.  I don't think Roosh is even representative of the "pick up artist" as some focus on training men how to talk to women.    It's inaccurate to say that all push an "asshole" approach to women.    Roosh is merely interested in getting sex thus I will exclude anything responding to his philosophy. 
I would also not include "men going their own way" as a men's rights group.   These men are often those who reject the notion of relationships and marriage for various reasons.      Some of them are also in the men's rights camps but that is not to say all of them.  Many of them maybe victims of a bias system but there is also nothing wrong with people who choose to remain single regardless of their reasons.

It is also inaccurate to draw a distinction of modern and old feminism. Feminism has never been about equal rights which is clearly outlined in the "declaration of sentiments".   You only have to read the writings of prominent feminist from the 60's to see this has changed very little.    I have never heard of a single instance where feminist have fought for equality. I have yet to meet a single feminist who doesn't claim some form of patriarchy theory to explain things which even the author used to a lesser extent by claiming men were taught they were superior to women.   I would grant that some feminist are about equality such as Christina Hoff Summers but they are by far the minority of the group.

The claims on sexual assault are completely wrong. It's impossible to say which gender suffers more sexual violence and irrelevant. Are we going to say because men are the majority of murders and assaults that society oppresses men?    Clearly not.    The main reason a comparison of sexual violence is impossible is that until 2012 male victims were recorded as "aggravated assault" due to the definition used by the FBI. This means the rape statistics prior to 2012 completely ignore male victims and female perpetrators. The definition since then has improved but it still completely ignores any victims of female crimes including men and other females. The best information currently available was a survey funded by the CDC which shows nearly equal victimization of the genders if you assume "made to penetrate" is a synonym for rape.   The consultant on this survey, Mary Koss, even said that she used a different classification because men secretly wanted the sex even if they were unaware of it.    This type of thinking has even been used to justify charging child support to a male victim of rape in several states.

The second claim of sex trafficking is also wrong. What little research that has been done shows that boys are more often the target of sex trafficking but receive little help from society. In addition, boys are also trafficked for other purposes like slave labor. I guess one could argue that labor slavery is better than sex slavery but I doubt victims would agree.
The short comment on GamerGate is completely wrong as well.    GamerGate was a consumer revolt against corruption in the game journalism.     The movement has had a profound impact on journalism in most game magazines now include ethic clauses to disclose conflicts of interest.    Anita and her ideology are irrelevant to the cause.

I applaud the author's recognition of custody issues as well as domestic violence. However, I would note that the claim that child abuse has gender parity is incorrect. The overwhelming amount of child abuse is done by the mother most often toward the male until puberty.
While we are talking about crimes, I would point out the sentencing gaps where women convicted of crimes are given a significant light sentence compared to men.     There have even been feminist calls to abolish female prisons altogether.

The characterization of Karen's arguments for the draft missed the point entirely. The argument is a rebuttal of the inaccurate claim that women couldn't vote but men could. The fact is that the draft was (and still is) a requirement for every male in order to vote (among other things). Women have never been subject to this requirement regardless of how just it is. The idea is that if men and women should be equal under the law then they should have the same rights and responsibilities. 
I agree that women are generally not as physically strong as men but that doesn't mean there are no roles in combat for them.      Currently in the military, women are often given different physical standards and generally are not in positions that require extreme physical ability.

I am glad to see the author called out the pay gap myth.   However, they replaced it with a call for some sort of communism.      Female dominated professions are not paid less because they job is somehow valued less.      These jobs are generally not as difficult or dangerous as male dominated areas.   I don't see how paying a librarian the same as a miner is justice.      Women have the choice to participate in any job.   To achieve parity on the pay scale then women will simply have to do the same jobs with the same amount of effort.   I agree with the author that women are over taking men in a lot of areas.      In fact, women are now the strong majority in college and have been for many years.    I find it odd that when women were only a few percentage behind in college it was considered an emergency and now that women lead by nearly 20% "we need to do more".

It's funny how the article never mentions anything wrong with what Paul Elam has said and only a minor disagreement with Karen which is completely inaccurate..